Writer's Checklist for Grade 1 Classroom

Topic: Writer’s Checklist (Grade 1)

Monday November 8th, 2010                                                 

Foundations of Professional Practice:  Commitment to Students and Students Learning, specifically Grade 1 language curriculum

Description of the learning experience

My teacher associate utilized a checklist of writing expectations in order to objectively evaluate students’ writing level.  She developed the checklist using grade 1 curriculum expectations. The checklist is a great way to assess and evaluate students’ writing in grade one.  It consists of 8 different categories that students can use to check their own work.  By the end of grade one, students will have internalized this checklist and will be able to further develop their writing.

What I learned from this experience:

I learned that there are good objective standards that can be used as guidelines when assessing a students’ writing.  As students progress I would be able to add and modify the writer’s checklist to coincide with their writing level.  It also makes clarifies the important steps that must be followed when writing and gives students a chance to check their own work before handing it in to the teacher.

How this learning experience will affect my classroom programming:

The writer’s checklist has shown me that there are objective checklists that can be made for every grade level.  First I have to become familiar with the curriculum for the particular grade level and then it is possible to make a writers checklist for the students.  I will be able to modify and use this idea in any grade level to help students internalize key elements of writing.